Counselling for burnout

Use the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) calculator to determine your level of burnout (low score=below 30, medium=between 30 and 45, high=above 45):

Welcome to this page, dedicated to providing support and guidance for professionals experiencing burnout, including doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals. Burnout is a common concern for professionals, and it can have significant consequences on both your personal and professional life.

As an experienced therapist, I understand the unique challenges that professionals face, and I use an evidence-based therapeutic technique to help clients manage their emotions, behaviours, and thoughts effectively. My approach is collaborative, and I work closely with each client to addresses their unique needs and concerns.

As doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals, you play a crucial role in caring for others, but it's not uncommon for the demands of your work to take a toll on your mental and emotional wellbeing.

If you are a professional who is experiencing burnout, I invite you to contact me today to learn more about my counselling services. Whether you are in the healthcare industry or another profession, I am here to provide the support and guidance you need to overcome burnout and improve your mental wellbeing.

My counselling services are specifically designed to provide a safe, supportive, and confidential environment for clients to work through their concerns. I have extensive experience working with professionals from various industries, and I am committed to providing tailored care that meets the unique needs of each client.

Don't let burnout affect your personal and professional life any longer. Contact me today to take the first step towards a happier, healthier you.

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Helderberg Counselling

Helderberg Counselling

Using online therapy to have hopeful conversations leading to change.

Helderberg Counselling
Some still dismiss Covid-19 as a hoax, while others see it as merely an overblown strain of the flu. For some, it is now a distant memory, a chapter closed after a full recovery from a critical illness. Yet, for others, the ordeal is far from over; they continue to grapple with lingering symptoms, even after all this time. With no historical precedent, there is uncertainty about how long these symptoms might persist or if long-Covid could evolve into a permanent, chronic condition. Whatever history will teach us about the progression of Covid, counselling/therapy can play a huge role in a person's quality of life within the limitations of the disease and of course, their mental health. To listen to a first-person account of living with long-Covid, watch this ... See MoreSee Less
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Helderberg Counselling
How can I live the best possible life within the limitations of my chronic illness?#LivingWithChronicIllness #livingwithchronicpain #livingwithfibromyalgia #livingwithcfs #livingwithchronicfatigue #livingwithrareillness #livingwithrarecondition #LivingWithLupus #livingwithsle #adjustingtochronicillness ... See MoreSee Less
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Helderberg Counselling
Socks4docs 2024Standing together for mental health and accountabilityThis year, I'm not just shining a spotlight on the mental health of healthcare workers and breaking the stigma around their mental health challenges. I'm also calling for real, systemic change.Traditionally, Socks for Docs has raised awareness and provided resources to help medical professionals deal with mental health issues. But now, the focus is shifting. It's not about implying that mental health struggles are individual shortcomings. It's about holding governments and health facilities accountable for creating fair and humane working environments.Our healthcare workers deserve better. Let's make those socks a symbol of resistance against unjust practices and management. Together, we can demand a system that supports and protects the mental health of tho#socksfordocso#socks4docs##mentalhealth##supporthealthcareworkers##systemicchanger#accountabilitym#supportourdoctorsbility #supportourdoctors ... See MoreSee Less
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Schedule an appointment (in-person or online) to take the first step towards a happier, healthier you.